how to set up Amazon Smile

Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support Agami and it’s program offering by selecting Agami as your choice of charitable organization and by starting your shopping at 

Simply visit  You can log in using your email and password as if you were at From there select Agami as the charitable organization you would like to support, AmazonSmile will save that information and will make a donation every time you purchase through

Step One: Go to log in using your email and password as if you were at from there select a charitable organization you would like to support.

Step Two:  Select Agami

Step Three: Shop, Amazon Smile will remember the charity you selected and will always donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to that charity.


Company Matching

12% of Agami donations come through company matching. IBM and Microsoft are the two top companies to match donations to Agami. Below are the top companies to match donations in 2020. Click on the logo to find out more information about the company’s matching program. See if your employer will match your donation by using Charity Navigator.

PayPal Giving

Agami is registered with PayPal Giving where PayPal is connecting donors with charities around the world. You can choose Agami as your favorite charity and PayPal will pop-up a reminder to donate $1 to Agami every time you check out.

Step One: Login to your PayPal account

Step Two: Search for Agami in PayPal’s Charity Finder

Step Three: Add Agami as your favorite charity in your PayPal


Agami wishes everyone a blessed Ramadan. Ramadan reflects togetherness as families fast together, patience as you work on doing the right thing and gratitude for good health and friends around you.

When choosing how to help this Ramadan and where to donate your zakat or sadaqah, please consider giving a donation to Agami.